1,284 research outputs found

    Survivorship - Food for thought: Systematic review of Cancer Survivors Perceptions of Food Related Information

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    reported to be approximately 50%, with those diagnosed said to live, on average, 10 more years following diagnosis. Cancer patients are considered ‘at risk’ of food borne illness, in particular, from Listeria Monocytogenes. Whilst common, Listeria can prove fatal to cancer patients who may be immune suppressed. Appropriate food safety and nutritional advice is therefore important to ensuring the health and continued recovery of cancer sufferers during the stages of diagnosis and treatment, but also through to survival and transition back into ‘normal’ life. This Mixed Studies Review (MSR) therefore sought to better understand Cancer survivors’ perceptions of food related information, with a view to enhancing the effectiveness of such information in future. The findings revealed a preference for receiving more information as opposed to less, with survivors primarily seeking relevant and prescriptive guidance via practitioners and paper based channels. Food related information was also valued when provided as part of broader lifestyle advice. Theoretical implications are discussed and recommendations for theory and practice are presented, however, the few studies identified by this review provide little evidence on which to base definitive decisions for future practice, in particular with regards to food safety messages. Further research in this area is therefore required

    Sugar maple (Acer saccharum March.) growth is influenced by close conspecifics and skid trait proximity following selection harvest

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    In this study, we quantified the effects of local neighbourhood competition, light availability, and proximity to skid trails on the growth of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) trees following selection harvest. We hypothesized that growth would increase with decreasing competition and increasing light availability, but that proximity to skid trails would negatively affect growth. A total of 300 sugar maples were sampled 10 years after selection harvesting in 18 stands in TĂŠmiscamingue (QuĂŠbec, Canada). Detailed tree and skid trail maps were obtained in one 0.4 ha plot per stand. Square-root transformed radial growth data were fitted to a linear mixed model that included tree diameter, crown position, a neighbourhood competition index, light availability (estimated using the SORTIE light model), and distance to the nearest skid trail as explanatory variables. We considered various distance-dependent or -independent indices based on neighbourhood radii ranging from 6 to 12 m. The competition index that provided the best fit to the data was a distance-dependent index computed in a 6 m search radius, but a\ud distance-independent version of the competition index provided an almost equivalent fit to data. Models corresponding to all combinations of main effects were fit to data using maximum likelihood, and weighted averages of parameter estimates were obtained usingmultimodel inference. All predictors had\ud an influence on growth, with the exception of light. Radial growth decreased with increasing tree diameter, level of competition and proximity to skid trails, and varied among crown positions with trees in suppressed and intermediate positions having lower growth rates than codominants and dominants. Our results indicate that in selection managed stands, the radial growth of sugarmaple trees depends on\ud competition from close (6 m) conspecific neighbours, and is still affected by proximity to skid trails 10 years after harvesting. Such results underscore the importance of minimizing the extent of skid trail networks by careful pre-harvest planning of trail layout. We also conclude that the impact of heterogeneity among individual-tree neighbourhoods, such as those resulting from alternative spatial patterns of harvest, can usefully be integrated into models of post-harvest tree growth

    Geometry of lipid vesicle adhesion

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    The adhesion of a lipid membrane vesicle to a fixed substrate is examined from a geometrical point of view. This vesicle is described by the Helfrich hamiltonian quadratic in mean curvature; it interacts by contact with the substrate, with an interaction energy proportional to the area of contact. We identify the constraints on the geometry at the boundary of the shared surface. The result is interpreted in terms of the balance of the force normal to this boundary. No assumptions are made either on the symmetry of the vesicle or on that of the substrate. The strong bonding limit as well as the effect of curvature asymmetry on the boundary are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, some major changes in sections III and IV, version published in Physical Review

    What are the participants’ perspectives of taking melatonin for the treatment of nocturia in Multiple Sclerosis? -a qualitative study embedded within a double blind RCT

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    Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic neurological disorder caused by neurodegeneration within the central nervous system. It results in impaired physical, cognitive and psychological functioning and can also lead to lower urinary tract symptoms including nocturia. While clinical trials have suggested an association between nocturia and melatonin secretion, to our knowledge, no qualitative research has been conducted on the experience of taking melatonin to treat nocturia in progressive MS within a clinical trial. Methods: 17 semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted as part of a double-blind, randomised, placebo controlled, crossover, clinical trial with consenting adults with MS. Interviews explored participants’ experiences of nocturia associated with MS and their experience of taking melatonin as a trial treatment for nocturia versus a placebo. Data was analysed using a thematic analysis. Results: Themes on the experience of nocturia revealed participants’ understandings of nocturia, the impact it had on their night and increased daily fatigue. Themes on the intervention showed perceived improvements to nocturia, sleep and energy and negative effects including lethargy, a lack of significant change and physical side effects including vivid dreams.Conclusion: This qualitative exploration revealed an association between nocturia and increased levels of fatigue during the day by those with MS. However, perspectives towards the effectiveness of melatonin as a potential treatment varied as both placebo and melatonin were perceived as having very similar effects

    Stresses in lipid membranes

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    The stresses in a closed lipid membrane described by the Helfrich hamiltonian, quadratic in the extrinsic curvature, are identified using Noether's theorem. Three equations describe the conservation of the stress tensor: the normal projection is identified as the shape equation describing equilibrium configurations; the tangential projections are consistency conditions on the stresses which capture the fluid character of such membranes. The corresponding torque tensor is also identified. The use of the stress tensor as a basis for perturbation theory is discussed. The conservation laws are cast in terms of the forces and torques on closed curves. As an application, the first integral of the shape equation for axially symmetric configurations is derived by examining the forces which are balanced along circles of constant latitude.Comment: 16 pages, introduction rewritten, other minor changes, new references added, version to appear in Journal of Physics

    Hamilton's equations for a fluid membrane: axial symmetry

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    Consider a homogenous fluid membrane, or vesicle, described by the Helfrich-Canham energy, quadratic in the mean curvature. When the membrane is axially symmetric, this energy can be viewed as an `action' describing the motion of a particle; the contours of equilibrium geometries are identified with particle trajectories. A novel Hamiltonian formulation of the problem is presented which exhibits the following two features: {\it (i)} the second derivatives appearing in the action through the mean curvature are accommodated in a natural phase space; {\it (ii)} the intrinsic freedom associated with the choice of evolution parameter along the contour is preserved. As a result, the phase space involves momenta conjugate not only to the particle position but also to its velocity, and there are constraints on the phase space variables. This formulation provides the groundwork for a field theoretical generalization to arbitrary configurations, with the particle replaced by a loop in space.Comment: 11 page

    Conformally invariant bending energy for hypersurfaces

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    The most general conformally invariant bending energy of a closed four-dimensional surface, polynomial in the extrinsic curvature and its derivatives, is constructed. This invariance manifests itself as a set of constraints on the corresponding stress tensor. If the topology is fixed, there are three independent polynomial invariants: two of these are the straighforward quartic analogues of the quadratic Willmore energy for a two-dimensional surface; one is intrinsic (the Weyl invariant), the other extrinsic; the third invariant involves a sum of a quadratic in gradients of the extrinsic curvature -- which is not itself invariant -- and a quartic in the curvature. The four-dimensional energy quadratic in extrinsic curvature plays a central role in this construction.Comment: 16 page

    Medically Biodegradable Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Microspheres

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    [EN] Hydrogenated amorphous silicon colloids of low surface area (<5 m(2)/g) are shown to exhibit complete in-vitro biodegradation into orthosilicic acid within 10-15 days at 37 degrees C. When converted into polycrystalline silicon colloids, by high temperature annealing in an inert atmosphere, microparticle solubility is dramatically reduced. The data suggests that amorphous silicon does not require nanoscale porosification for full in-vivo biodegradability. This has significant implications for using a-Si:H coatings for medical implants in general, and orthopedic implants in particular. The high sphericity and biodegradability of submicron particles may also confer advantages with regards to contrast agents for medical imaging.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish CICyT projects, FIS2009-07812, Consolider CSD2007-046, MAT2009-010350 and PROMETEO/2010/043.Shabir, Q.; Pokale, A.; Loni, A.; Johnson, DR.; Canham, L.; Fenollosa Esteve, R.; Tymczenko, MK.... (2011). Medically Biodegradable Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Microspheres. Silicon. 3(4):173-176. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12633-011-9097-4S17317634Salonen J, Kaukonen AM, Hirvonen J, Lehto VP (2008) J Pharmaceutics 97:632–53Anglin EJ, Cheng L, Freeman WR, Sailor MJ (2008) Adv Drug Deliv Rev 60:1266–77O’Farrell N, Houlton A, Horrocks BR (2006) Int J Nanomedicine 1:451–72Canham LT (1995) Adv Mater 7:1037, PCT patent WO 97/06101,1999Park JH, Gui L, Malzahn G, Ruoslahti E, Bhatia SN, Sailor MJ (2009) Nature Mater 8:331–6Cullis AG, Canham LT, Calcott PDJ (1997) J Appl Phys 82:909–66Canham LT, Reeves CR (1996) Mat Res Soc Symp 414:189–90Edell DJ, Toi VV, McNeil VM, Clark LD (1992) IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 39:635–43Fenollosa R, Meseguer F, Tymczenko M (2008) Adv Mater 20:95Fenollosa R, Meseguer F, Tymczenko M, Spanish Patent P200701681, 2007Pell LE, Schricker AD, Mikulec FV, Korgel BA (2004) Langmuir 20:6546Xifré-Perez E, Fenollosa R, Meseguer F (2011) Opt Express 19:3455–63Fenollosa R, Ramiro-Manzano F, Tymczenko M, Meseguer F (2010) J Mater Chem 20:5210Xifré-Pérez E, Domenech JD, Fenollosa R, Muñoz P, Capmany J, Meseguer F (2011) Opt Express 19–4:3185–92Rodriguez I, Fenollosa R, Meseguer F, Cosmetics & Toiletries 2010;42–49Ramiro-Manzano F, Fenollosa R, Xifré-Pérez E, Garín M, Meseguer F (2011) Adv Mater 23:3022–3025. doi: 10.1002/adma.201100986Iler RK (1979) Chemistry of silica: solubility, polymerization, colloid & surface properties & biochemistry. Wiley, New YorkTanaka K, Maruyama E, Shimado T, Okamoto H (1999) Amorphous silicon. Wiley, New York, NYPatterson AL (1939) Phys Rev 56:978–82Canham LT, Reeves CL, King DO, Branfield PJ, Gabb JG, Ward MC (1996) Adv Mater 8:850–2Iler RK In: Chemistry of silica: solubility, polymerization, colloid & surface properties &Biochemistry. Wiley, New York, NYFinnie KS, Waller DJ, Perret FL, Krause-Heuer AM, Lin HQ, Hanna JV, Barbe CJ (2009) J Sol-Gel Technol 49:12–8Zhao D, Huo Q, Feng J, Chmelka BF, Stucky GD (1998) J Am Chem Soc 120:6024–36Fan D, Akkaraju GR, Couch EF, Canham LT, Coffer JL (2010) Nanoscale 1:354–61Tasciotti E, Godin B, Martinez JO, Chiappini C, Bhavane R, Liu X, Ferrari M (2011) Mol Imaging 10:56–

    Helfrich-Canham bending energy as a constrained non-linear sigma model

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    The Helfrich-Canham bending energy is identified with a non-linear sigma model for a unit vector. The identification, however, is dependent on one additional constraint: that the unit vector be constrained to lie orthogonal to the surface. The presence of this constraint adds a source to the divergence of the stress tensor for this vector so that it is not conserved. The stress tensor which is conserved is identified and its conservation shown to reproduce the correct shape equation.Comment: 5 page
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